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Once again in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+13Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: againonce moreover againSimilar words: again and againstruggle againsthope against hopeagainst the grainagainagainstyet againnow and againMeaning: adv. anew. 
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91. Once again, we were thrown back on our own resources.
92. Once again consider the case of Xerox.
93. Once again, being informed is a tangible benefit.
94. The older student activists were disillusioned once again.
95. Once again, this confirms the probit findings.
96. Benny and Garry were bosom pals once again.
97. Once again, Chesapeake's players expressed confidence.
98. Koch decides once again to solve the crime.
99. Once again relations were eased by personal contacts.
100. Once again the magistrate dismissed the case against him.
101. So, once again,( again.html) Erhardt will be packing his bags.
102. Once again, anti-lock brakes and traction control are standard.
103. Yo, they complain, has once again laid them bare.
104. Once again, he was suffering from delusions of grandeur.
105. A very recent study confirms this once again.
106. John once again had his wings clipped.
107. Once again he had gained complete silence.
108. By early morning, per and timeless levels are once again very low, and the circadian cycle begins a new day.
109. At apogee its radial velocity reaches zero, so it once again has a purely horizontal velocity.
110. The post-war farming depression meant that by 1817 earnings were once again back at the level of the late eighteenth century.
111. Once again, service flats need to be booked in advance.
112. Once again, the desirability of clear terms of contract, coupled perhaps with an unambiguous job description, is plain.
113. It is inevitable that, once again, we have lost contact with some members - about 1% of the membership.
114. Some one hit the down button and the Oval once again began its forty-foot descent into the earth.
115. After they lost their first two matches those fans must have wondered if once again Leeds were going to flatter to deceive.
116. With publicity over gay marriages, the debate over homosexuality and the Bible once again fills radio talk-show airwaves.
117. Collegians, McCluskey was once again on hand to finish a blind side move and score in the corner.
118. And once again the acute shortage of materials was noticeable.
119. He had also made discreet inquiries about a more permanent post, but once again his hopes were dashed.
120. The costings episode once again highlights the case for an independent commission on council reform.
More similar words: again and againstruggle againsthope against hopeagainst the grainagainagainstyet againnow and againpit againstover and againall over againtime and againagainst timeconcealfight againstrevolt againstconcealedproceed againstconcealingconcealmentintelligence agencyover and over againice ageconcentration campronald reagangainregaingainsaybargainungainly
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